Sheet Metal Enclosure Manufacturers

Sheet Metal Enclosure Manufacturers
- 19″ rack enclosures
- Amplifier enclosures
- Broadcast desks
- Lighting Control Desks
- Audio/Visual Mixing Desks
- Electrical Cabinets
- Control Panels
- Bespoke Sheet Metal Enclosures
- Description
We Have Enhanced Enclosure Manufacturing Capabilities Due to High-Grade Machinery
As bespoke sheet metal manufacturers, we have a full manufacturing capability which enables GSM to offer CNC Punching, Folding and Milling, Laser Cutting, Welding, Fasteners and Powder Coating, providing the complete metal enclosure service.
Sheet Metal Enclosure Formation via CNC Machining
We regularly CNC Punch sheet metals, including aluminium, mild steel and stainless steel, in most standard thicknesses from 0.3mm to 6mm. Our Laser Cutting will cut up to 12mm thick steel and both options offer a maximum sheet size of 2.5m x 1.25m.
Our folding capability enables us to fold a maximum sheet width of 2.5m, with a capability of up to 80 tonnes, and we also offer both manual and robotic welding options. GSM can fit a range of branded sheet metal fasteners according to your specification.
High Quality from Sheet Metal Enclosure Design to Precision Fabrication
With our own finishing processes, consisting of wet painting, powder coating and screen printing, GSM has the ability to produce the complete product, in house, enabling us to maintain high levels of quality and service from the initial design concept to the delivery of your finished metal enclosures.